
District Test Coordinators

District Test Coordinators (DTC) are responsible for the overall administration of testing in a district. District staff should contact their DTC with questions related to LOCAL requirements for training, administration, and reporting of the Oregon Extended Assessments. If you are unsure who to contact for support, start with your DTC.

Regional ESD Partner

Your regional ESD partner provides district support for everything assessment and accountability related to STATEWIDE requirements for training, administration, and reporting of the Oregon Extended Assessments. District staff should contact their DTC for support prior to contacting their Regional ESD Partner.


Phone: 503-540-4470 or 1-800-970-8372 ext. 1

Oregon Extended Helpdesk

The Oregon Extended Helpdesk can provide technical support related to the website and associated testing applications. Examples include navigating the website, completing training requirements, managing user accounts, and administering, scoring, and submitting tests.


Phone: email helpdesk to request a phone call

For frequently asked questions, visit:

Oregon Department of Education

More information can be found on the Oregon Department of Education's Oregon Extended Assessment webpage. District Test Coordinators, Regional ESD Partners, and the Oregon Extended Helpdesk may elevate questions or concerns to ODE as needed. For direct support related to Extended Assessment policy, please reach out to Mason Rivers, Special Education Assessment Specialist, at the Oregon Department of Education.


Phone: 971-208-0434